Important UIGEA Info : USA Online Casino news

Important UIGEA Info

by Your Grandmother on 03/29/11

The UIGEA or unlawful internet gambling enforcement act was implemented in January 2025 in an effort to stop the widespread use of online Casinos and Internet gambling. It has had varying degrees of success. It is huge multi million dollar industry and players and owners alike will not be stopped easily.

As a player you should know a few things about this law and how it affects you when you want to use USA�online casinos.

The owners of the gambling sites have devised new�ways to get around the law by offering payment alternatives. Look into these carefully so that you do not end up losing your winnings.

The law only affects banks from making any transfer of funds to online gambling sites, and is expected to enforce it. And that's where the confusing sets in because the law doesn't specifically says what exactly is legal or illegal forms of online gambling. This means as a player you can go to any site that accepts US players, without expecting any reprisals. A couple sites worth review are Slotsjungle and Casinotitan, I play at both of these sites with my visa card.

Not all forms of gambling are outlawed. This is good news for gamblers as they can still play Fantasy sports, horse betting and state lottery. Poker is also still available at online Casinos as there is controversy whether this is included in the term Internet gambling.

Paper checks are not covered in the ban on financial institutions transferring money to� gambling sites and many online casinos offer this method for withradwing funds. This might help you to get around the UIGEA law.

Some sites do not accept US player but others still do, so be very careful as to which ones will accept you. Just do your research and do not jump into there USA gambling casinos and put down your hard earned money without checking them out first.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the fact that each site will have its own set of rules. You should read these carefully. Be sure that there is a valid way to collect your winnings as online Casinos.


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