Why doesnt your grandmother gamble online? : USA Online Casino news

Why doesnt your grandmother gamble online?

by Your Grandmother on 03/29/11

I have been gambling online for over 5 years now, playing slots, poker and betting sports.�I recently visited my local land based horse track and casino. Walking around here the first thing I notice is the elderly woman letting loose in front of me, then I look around and see two things, slot machines and old people! The average age here is at least 60 and I ask myself what's attracting all of these senior citizens here? Well it's got to be the video slots and electronic roulette table. So I go home and research some of the most popular online casinos, to my surprise the 55+ age group only makes up about 20% of the online gambling community. Then I researched the average age of people visiting Las Vegas which was about 52 years old. So the question is why your grandmother doesn't gamble online? Most probably don't know they can play slot machines online and even more likely don't own a computer and want nothing to do with them.

If you can see this, here is your step by step guide to playing your favorite table games, slot machines, scratch offs and bingo online for free or real money!

  • STEP 1 - �You need a computer and internet, now a days computers are very cheap and you can purchase a decent computer for under 300$ just about anywhere.
  • STEP 2 – Throw out your check book, its 2025 people don't write checks anymore. Go to your bank and sign up for a bank card for your checking account, it's very easy to do and can be used just like a check.
  • STEP 3 – You need to find an online casino, there are thousands of them and even websites you can visit that will review these online casinos for you.�Online casinos for USA is one of those websites, here you can find some of the best online casinos and review available games like slot machines, keno, video poker, scratch cards and even BINGO! Most of these games can be played for free or real money!
  • STEP 4 – Once you have found an online casino to play at, you need to register with this website and download their software, this takes just a few minutes. Now here's where you're new Visa or Mastercard bank card comes in, click on the button that says cashier and put in all the required information and how much you wish to deposit.
  • STEP 5 – Claim your free money! One of the great things about gambling online is the free money available to you, that's right many of these online casinos will actually give you money to play their online casino games, these are called first time deposit bonuses. Some casinos like Slotsoasis�offer as much as 400% on your first deposit. This means if your deposit $50 the casino will give you $200 free! Another type of bonus is a Free Sign up Bonus, many online casinos like�Casinotitan�will give you money to start gambling when you open an account with them. All of these types of casino can be found here.

Our grandmothers must know they can play all of their favorite slot machines, bingo, keno, and even scratch cards without taking a 2 hour bus ride to the local casino. They need to know this and would want to know this.����


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